Equipment, Gear and Clothing Copy


Junior and Master Blaster Programs

Junior Blaster players can wear any sporting attire including clothing gear provided by Cricket Australia upon registration.

Please bring the bat provided by Cricket Australia to use during your session. All other set up equipment is provided by TDCC.

Master Blasters will be provided with a Toombul training shirt and shorts (included in registration fee) to play in.

Due to COVID regulations, all Master Blaster players must provide their own bat, protective gear is not compulsory. All set up equipment if provided by TDCC.

A Toombul cap or white broad brim hat can be purchased from the club.

Saturday Competition

Due to COVID regulations, all players must provide their own equipment, including but not limited to: bat, pads, protector, helmet, and gloves. Please note that helmets are mandatory. If players do not wear a helmet they are not allowed to bat.

It is recommended that all player equipment is clearly labelled. Players are expected to wear the following:

Shirt White Toombul playing shirt with club logo (available for purchase from the Club)
Pants White long pants
Shoes and socks Any sport shoes and white socks
Cap or hat Maroon Toombul cap or a broad-brimmed white hat. No other hats are to be worn whilst playing (available for purchase from the Club).
Helmet Please refer to helmet guidelines below. Maroon helmets with TDCC logo available for purchase.

Cricket Australia strongly recommends that Community Associations take all practical steps to adopt the ICC directive and mandate that all junior and senior players wear British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmets from 2019/20 season when batting, wicket keeping up to stumps and fielding in close to the batter.

The British Standard sets a higher all-round standard for helmet safety and its key benefits include:

  • an enhanced test for projectile-facial contact that assesses for penetration of the ball through the faceguard and subsequent contact of the faceguard onto the face
  • a separate test for men’s and junior sized balls
  • a new test for improved protection of the temporal (side) region of the head
  • a new test for improved occipital (rear) protection of the head”

For more information, including FAQ’s, resources and a list of British Compliant helmets



Equipment to set up the field and wicket is provided in the team kit bag which is supplied to each U10 to Opens team coach and manager at an Information Evening before commencement of the season. 

Each team is required to have a coach and manager to organise and confirm match details with parents, coaching, set up/pack up field, umpiring, scoring and entering results on the MyCricket website. 

Please email your details to if you are able to coach or manage your child’s team.